Special Issues

Dear participants of ICPH2019/ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019,

We are planning to publish the special issues dedicated to ICPH2019/ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019.

Following journals will accept submissions for upcoming special issue after the conferences.

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Invitation to submission to Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics Special Issue dedicated to ICoFF/ISNFF/ICPH 2019 Kobe meeting

Updated: January 20, 2020

Dear Participants of ICPH/ICOFF Kobe 2019,

We are pleased to inform you that the journal ABB (Archives in Biochemistry and Biophysics) will be publishing a Special Issue on "Polyphenols and Food Factors on Health” with Patricia I Oteiza and Shinya Toyokuni as Guest Editors, based on the 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH) and the 7th International Conference on Food Factors (ICOFF) held in Kobe, Japan from November 28 to December 5, 2019.

Please disregard this if you are invited and already responded.

This special issue will focus on the role of polyphenols and food factors on health. Over the past 20 years, food factors, including polyphenols, have become recognized as functional on life activities. Thus, these factors may have a potential role, among others, in the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, obesity and neurodegenerative diseases. Recently, there is a great interest and scientific advance in these research areas, indeed connecting ordinary daily life to healthy longevity. We expect submission of cutting-edge manuscripts from the participants of ICPH/ICOFF in Kobe, 2019.

For information about manuscript preparation, please refer to the on-line Guide for Authors


Your article should fit the scope of this Special Issue and will be subject to peer-review as per the journal’s policy. Please feel free to suggest in your cover letter a couple of reviewers who are knowledgeable in the appropriate area.

Your article can be either an original or a review article, which should be submitted via the journal’s online manuscript submission and review site. Log in to https://www.evise.com/profile/#/YABBI/login

to submit your manuscript. For non-native English authors, it is recommended to have their manuscript subjected to professional editing service before submission. You may provide them with information on Elsevier Editing Service.

It is important that you select "SI: Polyphenols and Food Factors” as the article type.

If you are interested in submitting your manuscript to this special issue, please let us know your title, corresponding author, your institute and e-mail address by January 31, 2020.

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics is a prestigious journal where authoritative reviews are provided. We very much hope you will consider and accept the invitation to contribute an article for this Special Issue. Publication fee would be free of charge, including color figures, but except for open access charge if necessary. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Timelines: Open submission February 1, 2020
Submission deadline: April 30, 2020
Expected publication: 2020
Guest Editors Contact Details:
 Patricia I Oteiza, poteiza@ucdavis.edu (University of Califronia Davis)
 Shinya Toyokuni, toyokuni@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp (Nagoya University)

August 21, 2019

Dear Participants of the ICoFF/ISNFF/ICPH Kobe 2019,
Thank you for your participation to the ICoFF/ISNFF/ICPH 2019 Kobe.
We are going to publish a special issue of Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, dedicated to this meeting.
Either an original article or a review article is considered.
Submission deadline would be March 31, 2020 and the papers will go through the normal process of review. So, unqualified papers may be rejected.
If you would like to submit a paper for this special issue, please send the following information in advance by December 31, 2019 to Shinya Toyokuni at toyokuni@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp, using the excel file attached.

  1. 1) Corresponding author (name, affiliation and e-mail address)
  2. 2) First author name
  3. 3) original or review article
  4. 4) tentative title

Please conform to the style of Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, referring to the instruction for authors.
One of the authors should attend the ICoFF ICoFF/ISNFF/ICPH 2019 Kobe meeting to be included in this special issue.
We look forward to your fine contribution.
Sincerely yours,
Shinya Toyokuni, editor ABB

Food & Function
ICPH2019 Special Issue in "Food and Function"

A special issue will be published on Food & Function in which review articles, communications, and full papers are described by SELECTED invited speakers of ICPH2019. Accepted papers will be published on the RSC website as Advance Articles as soon as they are ready and published in the next available electronic issue of the journal. All accepted papers will be gathered together in an online web collection on the Food & Function webpage. There will not be a printed version of the issue.

Kevin Croft
Guest Editor
University of Western Australia, Australia
Cesar Fraga
Guest Editor
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Rebecca Brodie
Deputy Editor
Food & Function
Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition
Invitation to submission to Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition Special Issue dedicated to ICoFF/ISNFF/ICPH 2019 Kobe meeting

Updated: February 12, 2020

Submission due date has been changed to March 31, 2020
Due to editorial process, authors are requested to submit their manuscript(s) BEFORE 31 March 2020.
After 1 April 2020, the submission is automatically rejected for publication in JCBN special issue.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Updated: January 23, 2020

If you are interested in submitting your manuscript to this special issue of JCBN, please let us know your title, corresponding author, your institute and e-mail address (Osamu Handa: sfrrj@koto.kpu-m.ac.jp) by January 31, 2020.
Submission deadline: April 30, 2020

August 21, 2019

Dear Participants of the ICoFF/ISNFF/ICPH Kobe 2019

Thank you for your participation to the ICoFF/ISNFF/ICPH 2019 Kobe. We are going to publish a special issue of Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition (JCBN), dedicated to this meeting. JCBN is an official journal of Society for Free Radical Research Japan (SFRR Japan), and encompasses chemical, biochemical, physiological, pathological, toxicological and medical approaches to research on lipid peroxidation, free radicals and nutrition. The Journal welcomes original contributions as well as review articles dealing with all aspects of clinical biochemistry and clinical nutrition including both in vitro and in vivo studies.

We strongly encourage to submit your article or review related to your presentation by the On-line submission system (http://www.editorialmanager.com/jcbn/) by Jan 31 in 2020.

Please conform to the style of JCBN, referring to the instruction for authors.

We look forward to your fine contribution.

Sincerely yours,

Yuji Naito, executive Editor of JCBN
Osamu Handa, guest Editor of JCBN
Takanori Tsuda, guest Editor of JCBN

Either an original or a review article is considered.
Keynote & Plenary Lecturers, Symposiasts, Oral Presenters, and Poster Presenters can submit a manuscript.

The manuscript will go through the normal review process according to the publication policy of each journal.

We will update the information in the near future. Please follow up it.