Call for Abstracts

Participants who would like to make a presentation in the scientific session have to submit an abstract no later than June 30, 2019.

Important Dates

Deadline for Abstract Submission June 30, 2019, 23:59 (JST, UTC+9)
→ July 25, 2019, 23:59 (JST, UTC+9) for Poster only**
Extended to September 9, 2019 (JST, UTC+9) for Poster only Closed
Notification of Acceptance (by E-mail) Submission before July 25: Email has been sent by July 26.
If you have not received notification, please contact registration secretariat.
Submission after July 26: within 10 days after extended deadline.
Acceptance notice and presentation style have been sent by email on July 30 to corresponding authors who have submitted an abstract by July 25.
Please contact the secretariat if you have not yet received the notification.
Deadline for Registration and Payment for Presenting Author* Submission before July 25: August 1, 2019, 23:59 (JST, UTC+9)
Submission after July 26: within 10 days after notification.
*Please be reminded that Early bird registration will close on August 1 as scheduled.
The registration fee will increase after August 2, 2019.
* Abstracts will be automatically rejected if the payment of presenting author’s registration will not be confirmed before the due date.
** Abstracts submitted after July 1st will not be considered for Oral presentation.


1. Bioavailability and Metabolism
2. Biomarkers: Analytical Methods, Usability and Omics
3. Molecular Targets
4. Target Tissues, Brain-gut-axis and Microflora
5. Disease Prevention: Aging, Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Muscle Atrophy, Locomotive Syndrome, Cognitive Disorder, etc.
6. Health Promotion, Intervention and Human Studies
7. Polyphenols in Foods and Drinks
8. Others


  • ✓ Abstract must be prepared in English. One participant can submit up to two abstracts to ICPH2019 as a presenting author. There is no restriction of abstract numbers of co-authors.
  • ✓ Abstract should be prepared in A4 ONE-PAGE by using the template and submitted in PDF format.
  • ✓ Abstract file should include: Title, Author name(s), Affiliation(s), Body and 3-5 Keywords.
    Title The title of the abstract should be written in Times New Roman, bold, 14pt, centered, and initial letter(s) of a sentence should be capitalized.
    Name/Affiliations Author's name(s) and affiliation(s) are spelled out completely in Times New Roman, 12pt, centered. Initial letters of each word must be capitalized. Please underline the presenting author's name.
    Body Text must contain the followings:
    Objectives/Background - state the rationale or hypothesis followed by objectives.
    Materials/Methods - briefly describe the design of the study/program and how it was conducted.
    Results/Findings - present the main results with appropriate statistics/data analysis and pertinent discussion.
    Conclusion - limit the conclusions to those that are directly supported by the results Abstract should not include any diagrams or charts.
    Keywords 3-5 keywords should be provided.
  • ✓ There is no character limit but please do not exceed one A4 page.
  • ✓ Please list all authors information which will be used for the program book and web site.
  • ✓ Up to 5 facilities can be registered as Affiliated Institutions. Maximum number of characters of each institute is 90.
  • ✓ Up to 12 persons can be registered as co-author.
  • ✓ Please indicate the presenter by selecting the box for "Presenting Author."
  • ✓ The presentation type for submitted abstracts is basically poster. However, program committee possibly choose several abstracts to be presented in oral (symposium). Please tick the box of “Oral presentation acceptable” if you could make an oral presentation.
  • ✓ Select the category until the second choice which is most suitable for your presentation.
  • ✓ Confirmation emails will be sent automatically (1) when you complete creating account, and (2) when you complete abstract submission.
    Please keep the ID and Password which will be sent in first confirmation email to submit your abstract/make a registration.
    In case you do not receive the abstract submission confirmation e-mail, your submission might not have completed. To confirm, please sign in to your account, or contact secretariat (


Two types of award (Travel Award and Poster Award) will be offered. For details, please check here.


The submitted abstract will be reviewed by the program committee.


Accepted abstracts must be presented either as a poster or orally at the Conference. Instruction for presentation will be announced at a later date.

Important notices

  • ✓ Presenters whose abstracts have been accepted MUST register for the Conference and complete the payment by August 1, 2019.
    For presenters of abstracts submitted after July 26: Deadline for payment will be 10 days later after notification.
    (Please be reminded that the registration fee will increase after August 2, 2019.)
    Abstracts will be automatically rejected if the payment of the presenting author's registration is not done before the due date.
Abstract Submission

Privacy Policy

ICPH2019 Secretariat recognizes the importance of personal information and the importance of our responsibility to protect privacy.
Personal information in the submission system will not be used for purposes other than the conference. Your information will be stored in controlled servers with limited access.


ICoFF2019/ISNFF2019/ICPH2019 Secretariat:
c/o JTB Communication Design, Inc.
JTB Bldg. 7F, 2-1-25 Kyutaromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0056, Japan
Tel: +81-6-4964-8869 Fax: +81-6-4964-8804 E-mail: